Friday, April 15, 2011

Self Portrait

  I never want to forget the reason I initially picked up a camera.  Lately, it's been number crunching and hectic schedules. Blessed, very blessed, but not the reason why.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Push Pop

  She had her first push pop today.  She's a baby less and less and a big girl more and more.  My dad argues that she will always be a baby.  I speculate that's how he still feels about me, and I'd be lying if that doesn't make my heart a little warm.

  Japan is weighing heavy on my heart today.  Dear Cousin is waiting for a flight home to Texas from Japan.  She is due with her first baby in a few weeks.  I can only imagine.  I hate to admit, but, I'm one of those who puts things into perspective after the worse has happened.  You know, the hug-your-babies-tighter and count-your-blessings kind of realization at someone else's unfortunate, and often heartbreaking expense.

  I've vowed to keep this year simple.  I know I take many, many things for granted, but I am truly grateful that water runs from my faucet, there is nourishing food in my pantry, our bodies are clothed, and I rest my head on a pillow next to my One & Only.  As for that baby.  I'd give her the moon twenty times over, but I desire to instill the same gratitude for the little things and hope she, too will never underestimate their value.

  I leave with a K.I.S.S.
  Keep It Simple, Sweetheart


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy is the Heart

  Lots of things bring me joy.  Especially the 18 & under crowd.  I love, love, love photographing seniors and teens.  It's really hard for me not give my seniors a big 'o kiss on the cheek and say, "Look how big you've grown!" and read them excerpts from Dr. Suess's Oh, The Places You'll Go.  
  For now, I'll hold back the kisses, and share a few photos:  


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So This is the New Year

  Joyous 2011!  This is going to be a big year.  I don't know why, but I can feel it.  I just hope it is big as in positive and not big as in catastrophic.  How ever it shall play out, I believe that if the Lord brings me to it, He will see me through it.  I have big plans for my little family, and I am giving it all away to the One who knows my heart's desires.  Then again, he may show me desires that I didn't know I was supposed to have.

  I once had a professor tell my class that if "one does not believe in God, then he should study the human eye."  The amazing intricate components required to give us sight could only come from a higher power, and was nothing that science could begin to explain. I have no desire to study the human eye.  (Mine have failed me.  Raise your hand if you're legally blind!  Who am I kidding.  Put them down, I can't see them anyways...without corrective lenses, which, in my opinion, is the greatest invention and I am beyond thankful that I live in a time when I can see with help.  But I digress.)
  All it takes is for this baby to lay her sleepy head on my shoulder, and I know, that someone far greater than any of us, loves me.  Who else could provide such love?


My dearest friend in the world, A.A.
